Comparing Le Jetee, the short, and 12 Monkeys, the full-length movie

  Watching the video about "12 Monkeys" and "La Jetée" gave me good ideas about telling stories. "La Jetée" uses still pictures and a narrator to tell its story, showing that you don't need fancy visuals or lots of talking to be effective. Each frame is carefully made to show emotions and move the story forward, which is a great technique for short films. "12 Monkeys" builds on this by adding more detail to the characters and the plot. The video's look at how "12 Monkeys" takes the ideas from "La Jetée" shows the importance of adapting and expanding stories. Focusing on visual composition and using minimal resources to tell a story can inspire a creative approach in my short film. Understanding the themes of time travel and memory in both films helps guide the story and characters in my own film. These elements are crucial for making a memorable narrative. The video also highlights the need to balance visuals with character development, which is key for a complete short film.

The article on "12 Monkeys" and "La Jetée" gave more details about the differences and similarities between the films. It shows how "12 Monkeys" expands on "La Jetée" by adding more complex characters and a richer plot. The article also talks about themes like fate, memory, and the cycle of time, which are important to both films. This helps me think about how to include themes in my short film so they fit well with the story. The article also emphasizes the need for character depth and development. Analyzing how "12 Monkeys" builds on "La Jetée" gives me a better understanding of adapting and expanding stories. These insights will help me with the visuals, themes, and characters in my short film. Overall, both the video and the article offer useful information that will help make my short film better and more memorable. I definitely will find the best way to properly develop the characters. In the short film, I will also want to incorporate more camera angles to help form the film. Lastly, making this film memorable is a priority.


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