Filming The Easy Parts

 So filming went relatively easy today and went extremely smooth. To start, we redid our morning wake up scenes. We decided to film the breakfast making scene a certain way so that we can transition smoother between the two clips smoother. Our goal in mixing these two clips is two show that they are obviously changing but it feels the same. An example would be a high angle shot with an egg plate centered also recorded at the same height, the background is clearly different but it feels close. Right after we got out of school, we went directly to the gym to get a few clips. We were extremely pressed on time so we had to get a move on it. We only got one workout clips of eachother but even that took up a lot of time to the music video. At the end though its ok because the gym was just to help convey humor and a small detail. We filmed a brief clip of us doing tricep pull downs, I tried to make small conversation so we look slightly normal and not robots. There was this one skit that I wanted to make and that was me pranking my one friend who was in the gym. The problem with this skit was that I needed an honest reaction and after I did the prank he was not doing the prank and it ruined the whole thing. After this we went over to the local grocery store to film the clips of us shopping for dinner supplies. Me and Conner took turns of filming each other of what we went to buy and use. We shuffled through the whole store brainstorming what kind of meal we will want to cook for our video. We decided to to a pasta based meal so we shuffled through each other picking supplies. This scene starts with me grabbing a basket followed by me picking on which cheese to get. Then it was my turn agian and I am just making conversation on which pasta to get. Then it is Conners turn to pick the sauce for the pasta. Then it my turn to pick a side meat to go with the pasta. Then we needed to decide on a quick idea for the dessert. Me and Conner came up with a funny add on at the end of this scene of me standing with protein foods and Conner standing with candy. So that was all the filming for today.


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