Research and planning blog

     For picking out these three main components for my commercial, I will need to analyze the type of commercial I am making. First I will need to find the attitude of the commercial which could be angry, mood lifting, or pushy. Next will be the point or narrative of the commercial, such as what I am trying to show, prove, or release information about. Last would be making the sequence and timing of the commercial's visuals. This would be making sure the clips are long enough to get a point through nut not boring to the audience. I will also make sure that the chosen photos and videos flow well to the commercial. When it comes to the photos I pick, I will most likely want this media to be something of me. I will take the effort to make my own pictures to represent whatever the task is to use. If it were to come to something crazy like scaling a building and take a picture at the top I would find something online. But that also brings me to another precaution, copyright, I will make sure that any media that I use adheres to copyright regulations. This precaution will also go for the videos when I am taking them from online media. But of course as I said before I will want to make as much of the media myself. I want all of the clips I make and choose to engage the viewer and hold their attention from start to finish.When I am picking the song, I need the song to help with the narrative of the commercial and flow the best with the clips. A way I could enhance this is when I am choosing a song, have it be something that flows and fits with the clip obviously but maybe make it a song that  a lot of others like and want to pay attention to. For picking the best pictures and videos, I will have myself and others help me pick the best, make trails of each of the clips in use, then pick the ones that flow together the most. After that I would have more reveiw to make sure the best best commercial is made with everything that I have. Towards the end, I would want to edit these pictures and videos making them to their best visual quality. I will also want clips that can tell a story like every other commercial. This is how I will pick my pictures, videos, and songs for my commercial.

I would open choose the best clips here to use.


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