Almost Published

     My commercial I would say is now 95 percent done, it has been peer review a little and I have added my edits. All of the clips are in and a lot of the commercial flowed just how I imagined however that overall filming did change. Originally, I wanted to have my commercial filmed inside but the weather was looking fantastic so I just had to change the setting. The most annoying thing happened when I was filming, I was mid speed and my air conditioning unit came blasting on but I just had to restart until it was what I wanted. Finally I finished the filming and reduced a lot of the background noise and I smacked everything together. Through the process of the edits and cuts to other clips I noted some of my peer recommendation on what could bring out a humorous interpretation and that is exactly what I went for. After looking, my commercial was already up over a minute so I knew it would just be to long at that point, I really am aiming to keep my viewers interested. I made a few cuts and shortened the added clips then did overlays for the pictures to keep the time low. The pictures were timed greatly with the words I am saying in the moment. Next was adding the simple, smooth, and funny background music, I have to keep the volume low so the viewers can have my voice stand out. On that, I also had to keep the music low for the voice over to stand out but I did not want the voice over to be to loud. The way this was filmed was I was being interviewed from about 6 feet away with background noise. For the voice over, the microphone is 6 inches away so I needed to tone it down for better fitment. After these three components were blended, I went out for a little review. Before sharing, I tried to critique myself and then I exported and sent it out. I heard that the music was to low and some didn't even hear the music. On that I raised the volume but I couldn't raise it to much without the voiceover starting to sound weird. I also went back and did a few visual changes because I felt that there was still room for improvement. I also had to redo some of the overlay because I felt that they were weak. After all these changes, I sent it out for review one more time and depending on those answers, will determine the completion of this commercial.

What some of the overlay looks like.


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