Intro Blog

 Hello everyone, my name is David Ingber. I am 16 years old and have been living in Florida for the past 8 years. Originally, I was born in Chicago, Illinois, where snow and cold weather were the norms, and warm weather was a rare treat for just a couple of months each year. In 2013, my parents and I moved to South Florida, a place where the pleasant weather of Illinois is an everyday occurrence. During my time here, I've developed a number of interests including the beach, the gym, and cars. I aim to visit the beach at least once a week. As for the gym, I work out for around two hours each day, every single day of the week. In South Florida, there are many luxurious cars to admire, which sparked my interest in them.

Another thing about me is my love for food. I really enjoy Italian food, and chicken parmesan is one of my favorites. I'm also a big fan of Asian cuisine, particularly sushi and seafood, as well as chicken in general. I cherish the time I spend hanging out with my friends, whether it's running around at night, going to the beach, or working out together. I also place great value on the moments I share with my parents, as I know these times will become less frequent as life moves forward. Although I don't play video games as much as I used to, I still enjoy gaming with my friends occasionally.

Listening to music is another hobby of mine, especially when I'm with friends. When people ask me about my favorite type of music, I find it hard to choose just one genre, as I enjoy a wide variety. Recently, I've been listening to a lot of Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga. My favorite colors are definitely dark blue and black; I feel like I look best in clothes of these colors. Well, that's a bit about me—again, my name is David Ingber. Thank you for listening!


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