Group Blog

 The people I chose for my group to work on the short film project are Jake and Nathaniel. The reason I chose Jake is because of his morale and commitment to projects. What also made this an easy decision is the fact that Jake is a five minute walk from my house, and Nathaniel lives just as close, making it super convenient for us to collaborate. Nathaniel is also an excellent team member because he brings equipment such as a video camera, better editing software, and drone footage. I also have some very helpful camera equipment that will come in handy for our project. It’s a pleasure working with both Jake and Nathaniel because they are very easy people to work with, and personally, we share many common ideas. In the end, it is undoubtedly the most fun and optimal choice for a trio. To add, this will not be the first time that we have worked together; occasionally, we film fitness videos and gym photoshoots.

As a team decision, we made a quick vision of how we wanted the style and layout of our short film to go. After that, we just had to narrow down the possible action-themed ideas that could fit over this layout. We explored various action elements and started to pick which ones flowed the best. Initially, we considered iconic action sequences like intense chase scenes but realized that they might not fit our overall vision due to complexity. Next, we thought about integrating some humorous action elements, which could add a light-hearted vibe to our film. Finally, we considered a more dramatic, feel good action storyline that resonated well with our ideas.

To cover other action genres, we also discussed including elements from spy thrillers or heist films but decided against it as they didn't align with our vision for the film. Ultimately, we are leaning towards a feel good, uplifting action genre inspired by positive and energetic scenes we envisioned for the opening. This genre fits perfectly with our layout and the mood we want to create.

We are fortunate that all three of us live extremely close to each other. This makes or collaboration smooth and efficient. With our combined skills and equipment, we are confident that we can create a memorable and enjoyable short film.


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